Total Money Magnetism:
The Secret Neuroscience of Millionaires™

In my Beverly Hills clinic, I work with top Hollywood directors, sports stars, and CEOs, who pay me $25,000 per two-hour session to get them to the next level of success. And even though I love my job, I knew that at this level my services were only attainable for a tiny percentage of the population.

I wanted to create something that is attainable for everyday people who also want to achieve wealth and success but are being held back by mental barriers which keep them stuck in the cycle of struggle – just as I was once stuck.

So, I designed an online program which allows me to give you all of the same training and benefits that my wealthy clients receive, but at a mere fraction of the price.

Scientific Studies is a program that combines powerful wealth building methods that myself and other ultra-successful millionaires have used to generate huge wealth and success, with specially crafted audio tracks designed to effortlessly reprogram your brain into a brain that naturally attracts money and success.

In a matter of months, you can expect to be freed from the beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors that were keeping you stuck in the cycle of struggle, and enjoy an incredible new sense of confidence and power over your financial situation.

With these powerful new wealth-building pathways implanted in your brain, there is no limit to what you can achieve.

Because as I discovered, it’s not a person’s background, age, or level of education that determines the amount of money and the lifestyle they can have. It’s their BRAIN.

And now with Total Money Magnetism, you have instill the same habits and mindset traits of a millionaire. Use these success principles to live the life you’ve always wanted.


Whether you’re a personal development enthusiast, a practitioner, an author, or other professional looking to upskill, Scientific Studies provides valuable training and certification in important life science areas. With our stunning interactive learning systems, you’ll gain an in depth understanding of a variety of different personal development skills. These enable you to excel at many areas of your own life, and help others to achieve a strong growth-oriented mindset also.

© 2015-2018 Scientific Studies Organization